Enlarging Elements: Enhancing Visual Metaphors with the 'Out of Context' Technique

Enlarging elements allows us to do two things:

1) Explore details more deeply.

2) Discover new shapes that can be transformed into unexpected settings.

Every time you enlarge something, you create new spaces, new opportunities to place elements inside.

And what better way to apply theĀ 'out of context'Ā technique? As weā€™ve discussed before, this technique is all about changing the predictable setting in which we usually see certain things.

Now, think about this image:

- Why is a car looping in and out of a nose?
- Where is it going?
- Whatā€™s the connection between the car and the person?

When people ask these kinds of questions, three things happen:

1) They create their own mentalĀ storytellingĀ to make sense of the image.

2) They spend more time looking at it.

3) They read your message.

What keyword or short phrase would you associate with this metaphor?

Thank you,
Dario Paniagua
Visual Thinkers Coach

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