Unlocking Creativity: Exploring New Perspectives on ClichƩs

 It's important that we seek new approaches for turning a basic cliché into attention-grabbing metaphors.


Even if we think we've exhausted all possibilities, shifting our perspective can spark new ideas.


Try sketching your cliché from an angle you haven't explored before.


What does it look like from above?


How about from below?


Or what if you draw just a part of it?


As you explore these new angles, you also open up the possibility of making other connections that you didn't see before.


For instance, drawing the cliché from above inspired the creation of a mortarboard hat.


Don't get discouraged by the idea that you don't know what you're communicating. People will always find meaning.


Let's give it a shot!


Think about what short phrase or keyword would you link to this scene?


If you're interested in mastering Visual Thinking through metaphors without resorting to clichés, you...

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