Self-inquiry: Uncovering the Secrets of Clichés.

clichés masks metaphors Oct 03, 2023

A simple question about our clichés can open up a world of possibilities to explore.

What lies behind a cliché?

What does it hide or cover?

These were the questions I asked myself to create this metaphor, and they are exactly the same questions you can ask yourself every time you encounter an element that you continue to repeat.

Why is self-inquiry crucial?

Because the responses you uncover will become short visual stories or messages, effectively transforming any cliché into a potent metaphor.

Unlocking the Power of Self-Inquiry

When creating metaphors, self-inquiry is the key that opens the door to creative symbolism. It prompts us to dig deeper, to question the surface, and to make emerge hidden visual gems.

From Cliché to Compelling Tale

Asking these questions not only leads to a deeper understanding but also uncovers the stories waiting to be told. Each response becomes a building block for narratives that resonate, messages that...

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Transforming overseen clichés into Meaningful Metaphors

Have you ever noticed how easy it is for our brains to overlook the familiar?

A speech bubble remains a speech bubble, until you unlock its hidden potential through a simple yet powerful technique. In our daily lives, we encounter symbols that have become almost second nature to us.


Cliché symbols serve their purpose, but over time, they become background noise in our visual landscape.


Our brains have a remarkable ability to filter out the commonplace.


Imagine for a moment, though, that you have the power to disrupt this pattern. That you can give a new life to the most ordinary symbol.

It all begins with a single question:


"Can I use it in other ways?"


This simple question holds the potential to be a game-changer in how we perceive and utilize symbols. It invites us to step beyond the boundaries of convention, prompting a fresh exploration of possibilities.


Suddenly, that speech bubble is no longer limited to its traditional...

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