Conveying Stories Through Visual Thinking

A speech bubble used in a generic manner conveys a generic message.

Humans constantly communicate. But communication isn't always two-way.

We don't always listen, and we don't always want to listen.

How do we convey this in visual thinking?

In the context of a story and to create a story, what better way than to create a setting?

Any setting works for telling stories.

How many elements are speaking here?

The man?

The elderly woman?

The pigeon?

What are they each saying?

Would you like to guess what they are talking about or just suggest a keyword for the whole scene?

If you want to learn to tell stories through visual thinking, I can teach you using visual metaphors. Leave your details on my site, and I'll notify you as soon as enrollment opens.

Thank you,

Dario Paniagua
Visual Thinkers Coach


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Access the PIGS Webinar right now to learn all the introductory information about Post It Graphic Recording Scene animated maps.